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Available Services



Our tailored design process will assist you in creating a truly smart solution for modern living. Helping you create lighting schemes for any occasion. Detailing energy management allowing your home to intuitively react in the most cost effective way.



Our NICEIC Registered Contractors can take care of all your installation requirements. Consumer unit installation, panel building , final circuit installation, networking, Loxone installation for example


We can provide detailed wiring schematics and panel layouts to ensure the installation process is as trouble free as possible. Along side these we can provide an installation pack should you choose to use your own electrical contractors.


Being a dedicated Loxone partner we are able to provide you with a wealth of knowledge and experience. A smart home truly comes alive with a correctly configures system. 


We know integrating with products can be challenging, this is why we have chosen to create a one stop solution for home automation. Our online shop primarily stocks Loxone products however we have also chosen to supply accessories that seamlessly integrate with Loxone


Whilst we are confident our systems are robust and reliable. A well serviced and maintained system however will last longer. We can also provide testing certification to prove aspects of the system are annually maintained. For example alarm certificates for insurance purposes


If you have any queries about using all or some of our services please contact us using the below form

Thanks for your enquiry

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